Farmhouse Ale Characteristics. The flavors include orange fruity wine-gums Christmas spices and umami flavors. A perfect strain for farmhouse ales and saisons.
This strain produces complex esters balanced with earthyspicy notes. A farmhouse was typically built to be rectangular in shape and may have been added onto slowly as the family grew. It gives warmth to the interior and adds tons of charm.
The historic style is characterized by low alcohol a light body and high carbonation.
Moderate sweetness often with light notes of honey andor vanilla with light grainy spicy wheat aromatics often with a bit of tartness. A farmhouse was typically built to be rectangular in shape and may have been added onto slowly as the family grew. Saisons often use wild top-fermenting yeast and a variety of local ingredients including various grains. The flavors include orange fruity wine-gums Christmas spices and umami flavors.